• Personalised insurance to boost customer experience

Personalised insurance to boost customer experience

Rethinking insurance as a digital service
A groundbreaking approach to insurance which removes the traditional barriers that annoy customers: rigid products, complicated procedures for changes and termination, unfamiliar language and a poor customer experience.
Aside from Equities, the client also used DataSynapse GridServer for running HPC workloads for Fixed Income, FX Options, Market Risk and Credit Risk. GFT was engaged by Google to develop a deployable reference architecture for running DataSynapse GridServer on GCP.
Aside from Equities, the client also used DataSynapse GridServer for running HPC workloads for Fixed Income, FX Options, Market Risk and Credit Risk. GFT was engaged by Google to develop a deployable reference architecture for running DataSynapse GridServer on GCP.




The GFT Logo Guidewire Software symbolizes the strategic partnership between GFT and Guidewire Software, highlighting GFT's expertise in providing comprehensive insurance solutions. This collaboration leverages Guidewire's robust insurance platform to deliver transformative digital solutions, enhancing operational efficiency and customer engagement for insurance companies.
The GFT Logo Guidewire Software symbolizes the strategic partnership between GFT and Guidewire Software, highlighting GFT's expertise in providing comprehensive insurance solutions. This collaboration leverages Guidewire's robust insurance platform to deliver transformative digital solutions, enhancing operational efficiency and customer engagement for insurance companies.
Das Softwareunternehmen Guidewire ist als Cloud-Plattform für Sach- und Unfallversicherer in den USA und weltweit tätig.



Combine fully digital and customisable insurance policies with a great customer experience



Implementation of the Guidewire Insurance Platform



Greater customer satisfaction and increased business agility

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  • Success story

    Personalised insurance to boost customer experience