Unidos para conquistar: Cómo el uso de datos con IA está cambiando los Servicios Financieros en Costa Rica

Estamos inmersos en un mundo donde la inteligencia artificial trasciende límites. Según una encuesta de MITSloan, el 75% de los ejecutivos cree que sus empresas lograrán crecimiento y competitividad mediante el uso de la IA. En el caso de Costa Rica, las iniciativas de IA van de la mano de procesos de modernización tecnológica y empresarial.
27 mayo 2024
The image features a close-up of hands holding a smartphone in front of a digital screen displaying financial data. This visual symbolizes the concept of green bonds and their role in sustainable finance. The use of technology to monitor and manage green bond investments is highlighted, showcasing the integration of sustainability into financial practices and the importance of digital tools in promoting environmentally responsible investments.
The image features a close-up of hands holding a smartphone in front of a digital screen displaying financial data. This visual symbolizes the concept of green bonds and their role in sustainable finance. The use of technology to monitor and manage green bond investments is highlighted, showcasing the integration of sustainability into financial practices and the importance of digital tools in promoting environmentally responsible investments.
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El sector financiero, al disponer de grandes volúmenes de información, ha utilizado la inteligencia artificial desde hace tiempo para optimizar productos y soluciones para sus clientes. Sin embargo, el viaje no es sencillo, y aquí presento una explicación al respecto.
The image features a detailed close-up of dew drops resting on a green leaf. The intricate veins of the leaf are clearly visible, highlighting the natural beauty and complexity of plant life. The dew drops add a refreshing and pure element, symbolizing growth, sustainability, and the nurturing of the environment. This image is ideal for topics related to green bonds, environmental initiatives, and sustainable finance, emphasizing the connection between financial investments and ecological well-being.
The image features a detailed close-up of dew drops resting on a green leaf. The intricate veins of the leaf are clearly visible, highlighting the natural beauty and complexity of plant life. The dew drops add a refreshing and pure element, symbolizing growth, sustainability, and the nurturing of the environment. This image is ideal for topics related to green bonds, environmental initiatives, and sustainable finance, emphasizing the connection between financial investments and ecological well-being.
The image presents a close-up view of several water droplets delicately clinging to the edge of a green leaf. The droplets are crystal clear, reflecting light and creating a sense of freshness and purity. The vibrant green background is softly blurred, drawing attention to the intricate details of the droplets and the leaf's texture. This photograph captures the essence of nature's beauty and resilience, making it an ideal visual metaphor for green bonds, sustainability initiatives, and environmentally conscious investments. It emphasizes the importance of preserving and nurturing our natural resources for a sustainable future.
The image presents a close-up view of several water droplets delicately clinging to the edge of a green leaf. The droplets are crystal clear, reflecting light and creating a sense of freshness and purity. The vibrant green background is softly blurred, drawing attention to the intricate details of the droplets and the leaf's texture. This photograph captures the essence of nature's beauty and resilience, making it an ideal visual metaphor for green bonds, sustainability initiatives, and environmentally conscious investments. It emphasizes the importance of preserving and nurturing our natural resources for a sustainable future.

The image showcases a confident woman standing in a modern, brightly lit office space. She has a thoughtful expression, with arms crossed, reflecting a sense of determination and professional engagement. The background features stylish furniture and lush green plants, creating an inviting and dynamic work environment. This visual effectively represents themes of sustainable finance, professional expertise, and the forward-thinking approach of individuals involved in green bonds and eco-friendly investments. It emphasizes the human element behind financial strategies aimed at promoting environmental sustainability.
The image showcases a confident woman standing in a modern, brightly lit office space. She has a thoughtful expression, with arms crossed, reflecting a sense of determination and professional engagement. The background features stylish furniture and lush green plants, creating an inviting and dynamic work environment. This visual effectively represents themes of sustainable finance, professional expertise, and the forward-thinking approach of individuals involved in green bonds and eco-friendly investments. It emphasizes the human element behind financial strategies aimed at promoting environmental sustainability.

En última instancia, la adopción de la IA es un viaje solamente en su inicio para los bancos en Costa Rica

Al igual que con la mayoría de las soluciones de innovación, no existe una receta específica, sino una secuencia de estados de madurez que permiten evolucionar constantemente hacia un mejor modelo de servicio y productos diferenciado. También es necesario contar con una metodología y abordaje estratégico que oriente al usuario de negocios en el siguiente paso de la adopción de la IA. Por último, pero no menos importante, está el tema regulatorio, que en muchos casos está vinculado con la operación, procesamiento y almacenamiento de datos en la nube.

Este viaje es como un rompecabezas, donde cada pieza tiene su posición a favor de la solución final y la arquitectura. No hay un final a la vista en este viaje, la única certeza es que el cliente final es y seguirá siendo el protagonista central de los objetivos, mejoras e innovación de cada empresa en el mundo.