At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.<br/>Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.
Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
  • GFT Design Studio

GFT Design Studio

Wir haben uns darauf spezialisiert, durch Design den Menschen Nutzen, den Unternehmen Gewinn und dem Planeten Nachhaltigkeit zu bringen.


At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.<br/>Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.
Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
Vom Anfangskonzept bis zur endgültigen Lieferung: Wir versetzen Sie in die Lage, die unerfüllten Bedürfnisse von Kund*innen und Beschäftigten zu erkennen und zu verstehen. Dadurch erleichtern wir Ihnen die Entwicklung, Validierung und Implementierung innovativer Produkte und Services, die die digitale Strategie Ihres Unternehmens vorantreiben.

Transformation erleben

At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.<br/>Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.
Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
Neugestaltung von innen nach außen: Durch einen übergreifenden Ansatz für die Arbeitsweise und die Wertschöpfung Ihres Unternehmens können wir Prozesse und Services optimieren und das Gesamterlebnis für Beschäftigte sowie Kund*innen durch eine konsistente Omnichannel-Perspektive verändern.

Organische Evolution

At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.<br/>Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.
Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
Daten lügen nicht: Wir entwickeln bestehende Produkte durch Messungen, Iterationen und taktische Lösungen weiter, um bessere Ergebnisse auf der Grundlage von Umstellung und Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu erzielen – damit Ihr Unternehmen seine KPIs und Ziele erreichen kann.

Unsere Arbeit

Kompetenz, auf die Sie sich verlassen können: Unser kollektives Wissen und unsere multidisziplinäre Arbeit ermöglichen es uns, einzigartige Ergebnisse zu erzielen, wie zum Beispiel:

Web & Mobile Design

Konversationelle User Experiences


Erweiterte Erfahrungen

Erweiterte Visualisierung





Wie wir arbeiten

Wie wir arbeiten

GFT Innovationsmethoden