• Ottenere successo bancario in modo rapido e flessibile

Ottenere successo bancario in modo rapido e flessibile

Mambu ha una vasta esperienza nella trasformazione bancaria. In qualità di partner, GFT è avvantaggiata nel passaggio ai sistemi banking di ultima generazione.
A key visual for Mambu, showcasing a woman leading a meeting in a modern office environment. This image highlights Mambu's commitment to fostering leadership, innovation, and collaboration in the financial technology sector. Learn how Mambu's advanced cloud banking platform can revolutionize your financial services and drive business growth.
A key visual for Mambu, showcasing a woman leading a meeting in a modern office environment. This image highlights Mambu's commitment to fostering leadership, innovation, and collaboration in the financial technology sector. Learn how Mambu's advanced cloud banking platform can revolutionize your financial services and drive business growth.


Clienti di Mambu al mondo


Paesi dove opera Mambu


Soluzione: BankStart


Mesi per il deployment di una banca digitale


GFT e Mambu hanno unito le forze per favorire il lancio delle banche digitali

La piattaforma SaaS di banking su cloud creata da Mambu velocizza la progettazione di quasi ogni tipo di offerta finanziaria per banche di tutte le dimensioni, istituti di credito, imprese fintech, rivenditori e aziende di telecomunicazione. Il suo unico approccio componibile consente di assemblare moduli, sistemi e connettori in qualsiasi configurazione per soddisfare le esigenze dell'azienda e degli utenti finali.

Gli esperti GFT presenti nei nostri Core Banking Centres of Excellence in tutto il mondo sono pronti a prendere parte nel successo della trasformazione digitale del banking sfruttando Mambu come piattaforma di cloud banking.
Conosci il nostro partner
Cosa possiamo fare per te
William Dale
Vice Presidente Regionale
Mambu Asia Pacific
The Mambu logo, with a green circular design and text, represents a leader in cloud banking and financial services platforms. Discover how Mambu's innovative solutions can transform your financial services with GFT.
The Mambu logo, with a green circular design and text, represents a leader in cloud banking and financial services platforms. Discover how Mambu's innovative solutions can transform your financial services with GFT.


BankStart is a full-stack accelerator for both established and challenger banks. This accelerator makes it easier for you to design and utilise your digital bank.<br/>Explore the dynamic world of Bankstart with our key visual showcasing a vibrant city street at night. Illuminated by streaks of colorful lights, this image symbolizes the fast-paced and ever-evolving nature of modern banking and finance. Discover how Bankstart is at the forefront of financial innovation, driving change and providing cutting-edge solutions in today&#039;s rapidly changing financial landscape.
BankStart is a full-stack accelerator for both established and challenger banks. This accelerator makes it easier for you to design and utilise your digital bank.
Explore the dynamic world of Bankstart with our key visual showcasing a vibrant city street at night. Illuminated by streaks of colorful lights, this image symbolizes the fast-paced and ever-evolving nature of modern banking and finance. Discover how Bankstart is at the forefront of financial innovation, driving change and providing cutting-edge solutions in today's rapidly changing financial landscape.
Progetta una banca digitale in soli sei mesi. Velocizza e semplifica lo sviluppo di una digital bank con una soluzione full-stack su cloud.

Approfondimenti dai leader del settore