At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.<br/>Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.
Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
  • GFT Design Studio

GFT Design Studio

Poprzez nasze projekty dostarczamy korzyści ludziom, zyski firmom i dbamy o zrównoważony rozwój planety.

Innowacyjne produkty

At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.<br/>Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.
Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
Od pierwszej koncepcji do efektu: pomagamy odkryć i zrozumieć potrzeby klientów końcowych i pracowników klienta. Ułatwiamy tworzenie, ocenę i wdrożenie innowacyjnych produktów i usług. Pomagamy cyfryzować procesy i organizacje.

Transformacja doświadczeń użytkownika

At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.<br/>Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.
Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
Całkowicie nowy projekt: po wspólnie przeprowadzonej optymalizacji procesów i usług uwolnisz potencjał kryjący się w Twojej organizacji. Wychodzimy poza utarte szlaki modelując nowoczesne, wielokanałowe doświadczenia.

Organiczna ewolucja

At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.<br/>Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
At GFT, we are specialised in delivering benefit to people, profit to business and sustainability to the planet through design. Systemic approach: we analyse challenges as part of a higher ecosystem to identify growth opportunities. This approach allows us to design sustainable solutions with a high impact on the final experience and business success. Strategic design: we solve business problems, materialising people-centered designs through experiences connected between physical and digital environments.
Sustainable circular design: Circular Design Thinking allows us to identify and create solutions with a positive impact on society, businesses, and the planet.
Dane nie kłamią: w procesie projektowym opieramy się o dane ilościowe i jakościowe nieustannie badając wdrożenia na każdym etapie dojrzałości. Dzięki temu możesz sterować organizacją i bezpiecznie osiągać zakładane cele.


Doświadczenie, na którym możesz polegać: głęboka wiedza i wspólne działanie pozwalają nam osiągać niespotykane wyniki.

Web & Mobile Design

Interfejsy konwersacyjne

Doświadczenia wielokanałowe (omnichannel)

Doświadczenia rozszerzone

Zaawansowana wizualizacja

Design systems

Strategia grywalizacji

Cyrkularny design thinking


Liderzy designu w naszych oddziałach

Jak pracujemy

Metodyka wprowadzania innowacji w GFT