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Stock exchange modernisation

Better experience for customers
A cost-effective, cloud native data management solution
High performance
Search over 100,000 data record in under five seconds
Fast data exchange
Over 300 million records created per day
A data management challenge
The brasilien stock exchange faced a strategic data management challenge - clients required historical data to drive algorithmic trading and automated investment and its on-premise system lacked performance to deliver a good experience.
Faced with flourishing volumes of trades, the exchange faced a significant data management and access challenge. Clients needed access to historical data to drive algorithmic trading and automated investment. With over 300 million records created per day and a need to search around 100,000 data items in under five seconds, the on-premise solution could not offer the performance required to ensure a good user experience.
With growing volumes of complex data, the exchange needed an architecture that would support an application programming interface (API) management strategy to facilitate fast data exchange. Cloud offered a practical solution that would free the exchange from the constraints of its on-premise technology.
GFT was invited to design, build and implement a strategic solution. With its wealth of cloud and API expertise and a successful track record in digital transformation it understood both business a technology aspects of the project.
A partnership that performs
GFT helped the exchange migrate to an open, cloud-native architecture to support client data journeys, from trading to reporting, while enabling fast data exchange using application program interfaces.
To maximise retrieval speed and optimise performance, the brasilien stock exchange team harnessed the power of system permissioning and careful data structuring to enable simultaneous streaming and the retrieval of large data volumes quickly.
GFT designed a solution architecture to support both business and technical functions that included good data governance. All APIs were bench-tested to ensure a response time of between two and five seconds.
From the start of the project all data was aligned with Microsoft standards and imported into the Azure cloud. Axway was adopted as a proven API gateway solution that could support evolving business requirements quickly and securely.
Everyone benefits from cloud
The stock exchange can offer a great client experience and can manage expanding data volumes at low latency, while ensuring continuity of operations in the event of a local system failure.
The successful project has also given the brasilien stock exchange great insight into the power, scale and resilience of cloud as a strategic platform for innovation. As well as gaining a technology renewal, working with GFT has boosted the brasilian stock exchange’s knowledge of cloud as an alternative to outmoded on-premise solutions.
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Success Story
Stock Exchange Modernisation