Explore the key visual for our design services, showcasing an abstract mix of blue and purple swirls. This image symbolizes the creative and innovative solutions we offer in design, capturing the essence of our unique approach to enhancing user experiences and delivering exceptional results.
Explore the key visual for our design services, showcasing an abstract mix of blue and purple swirls. This image symbolizes the creative and innovative solutions we offer in design, capturing the essence of our unique approach to enhancing user experiences and delivering exceptional results.
  • GFT Design Studio

GFT Design Studio

Somos especializados em entregar benefícios às pessoas, lucro aos negócios e sustentabilidade ao planeta através do design.

Inovação do produto

An artistic hand-drawn sketch showing the design services process from brainstorming a business idea to creating a mobile application. The image illustrates key steps such as validating market fit and technology, and finding the best problem-solution fit, showcasing the creative and strategic thinking involved in design services.
An artistic hand-drawn sketch showing the design services process from brainstorming a business idea to creating a mobile application. The image illustrates key steps such as validating market fit and technology, and finding the best problem-solution fit, showcasing the creative and strategic thinking involved in design services.
Do conceito inicial à entrega final: ao capacitar você a desvendar e entender as necessidades não atendidas dos clientes e colaboradores, facilitamos o desenvolvimento, validação e implementação de produtos e serviços inovadores que acelerarão a estratégia digital do seu negócio.

Transformação da experiência

A detailed hand-drawn sketch that visualizes the user journey in design services. This image shows the interaction between users, employers, and shoppers, highlighting the process of analysis and improvement. The sketch covers various stages, from user feedback to implementation across different devices, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to enhancing user experiences.
A detailed hand-drawn sketch that visualizes the user journey in design services. This image shows the interaction between users, employers, and shoppers, highlighting the process of analysis and improvement. The sketch covers various stages, from user feedback to implementation across different devices, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to enhancing user experiences.
Reprojetar de dentro para fora: adotando uma abordagem transversal de como sua organização funciona e entrega valor, somos capazes de otimizar processos e serviços, transformando a experiência geral com uma perspectiva consistente e omnicanal, tanto para colaboradores quanto para clientes.

Evolução orgânica

An insightful hand-drawn sketch illustrating the design services process of analyzing and improving a mobile application. The image highlights key steps such as performing analysis, identifying areas for improvement, and achieving measurable success, represented by a 75% progress chart. This visual captures the strategic approach to enhancing app performance.
An insightful hand-drawn sketch illustrating the design services process of analyzing and improving a mobile application. The image highlights key steps such as performing analysis, identifying areas for improvement, and achieving measurable success, represented by a 75% progress chart. This visual captures the strategic approach to enhancing app performance.
Os dados não mentem: evoluímos os produtos existentes por meio de medições, iterações e soluções táticas para obter melhores resultados com base na conversão e na usabilidade, permitindo que seu negócio atinja KPIs e metas.


A experiência em que você pode confiar, o conhecimento coletivo compartilhado e o trabalho multidisciplinar nos permitem alcançar resultados únicos.

Web e design móvel

Experiências de usuário coloquiais

Experiências omnicanal

Experiências estendidas

Visualização avançada

Sistemas de design

Estratégia de gameficação

Design Thinking circular


Nossos líderes em design em todo o mundo

A maneira como trabalhamos

Metologia de inovação GFT