• Compra de automóveis reinventada – Pesquisa, financiamento, aceleração

Compra de automóveis reinventada – Pesquisa, financiamento, aceleração

A forma como compramos carros mudou drasticamente
Os consumidores querem usar os canais digitais para comparar, escolher e comprar veículos, assim como fazem com outros tipos de produtos. Este gigante automotivo global pediu à GFT para ajudá-los a reimaginar as vendas de automóveis. Descubra como uma vitrine digital permite que os clientes encontrem e financiem os veículos dos seus sonhos em um showroom que nunca fecha.
Consumers want to use digital channels for comparing, choosing and buying vehicles, just like they do with other sorts of products. This global car giant asked GFT to help them reimagine automobile sales. Discover how a digital storefront lets customers find and finance the vehicles of their dreams in a showroom that never closes.
Consumers want to use digital channels for comparing, choosing and buying vehicles, just like they do with other sorts of products. This global car giant asked GFT to help them reimagine automobile sales. Discover how a digital storefront lets customers find and finance the vehicles of their dreams in a showroom that never closes.

Balcão único

Viagem do cliente

Solução baseada em nuvem

The GFT Logo Amazon Web Services symbolizes the strategic partnership between GFT and AWS, highlighting GFT's expertise in utilizing AWS's robust cloud platform to deliver cutting-edge digital solutions. This collaboration enables GFT to provide scalable, secure, and high-performance cloud services tailored to meet the diverse needs of various industries.
The GFT Logo Amazon Web Services symbolizes the strategic partnership between GFT and AWS, highlighting GFT's expertise in utilizing AWS's robust cloud platform to deliver cutting-edge digital solutions. This collaboration enables GFT to provide scalable, secure, and high-performance cloud services tailored to meet the diverse needs of various industries.
Amazon Web Services
A Amazon Web Services (AWS) é a plataforma de nuvem mais completa e amplamente utilizada no mundo.



Da consciência à ação



Reduzindo a distância entre o cliente e o carro



Combinando automação com consultoria

Alpesh Tailor
Group Head of Banking Solutions and Cloud

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  • História de sucesso

    Aquisição de automóveis reinventada – Pesquisa, financiamento, viagem

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Amazon Web Services

Game changer

Nuvem – expanda seus horizontes

Game changer

Inovação na GFT – damos vida às ideias