• GFT unter führenden Anbietern in Europa

GFT unter führenden Anbietern in Europa

Vergleichsstudie ISG Provider Lens™ – Google Cloud Partner Ecosystem stuft GFT als führenden Anbieter für Data Analytics und maschinelles Lernen ein
Bewertung und Bericht
Data Analytics und maschinelles Lernen

GFT unter führenden Anbietern in Europa

Die Stärken von GFT im Bereich Data Analytics und maschinelles Lernen
Mark Purdy
Principal Analyst, ISG Provider Lens™

ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant Report

Cover page of the ISG Provider Lens™ 2022 report on the Google Cloud Partner Ecosystem for Data Analytics and Machine Learning, featuring analysis of provider strengths, challenges, and differentiators.
The ISG Provider Lens™ 2022 report on the Google Cloud Partner Ecosystem for Data Analytics and Machine Learning offers a detailed analysis of provider strengths, challenges, and competitive differentiators. Published in June 2022, this report is essential for understanding the landscape of Google Cloud partners in Europe, with insights courtesy of GFT. Featured on the GFT website to highlight key industry trends and strategic positioning.

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