Discover the essence of innovation with Engenion's key visual. This striking image features a man with red hair and a beard, holding a technological component to his eye, reflecting precision and forward-thinking. Dressed in a stylish grey suit, he stands in a contemporary, subdued environment, representing Engenion's commitment to cutting-edge technology and excellence. Explore how Engenion is shaping the future with its innovative solutions and visionary approach.
Discover the essence of innovation with Engenion's key visual. This striking image features a man with red hair and a beard, holding a technological component to his eye, reflecting precision and forward-thinking. Dressed in a stylish grey suit, he stands in a contemporary, subdued environment, representing Engenion's commitment to cutting-edge technology and excellence. Explore how Engenion is shaping the future with its innovative solutions and visionary approach.
  • Engenion


Avec la solution Project Portfolio Management de GFT, vous pouvez planifier, gérer et superviser efficacement vos projets de développement, afin de prendre des décisions éclairées concernant votre portefeuille de projets dans son ensemble à partir d’une plateforme logicielle unique.

Vous avez des questions ? Nous sommes ravis de vous aider.

Logique exceptionnelle des données de projet

Gestion intelligente des ressources

Approche de budgétisation allégée

Coup d'œil sur les fonctions d’Engenion

Gestion du temps de travail

Administration du projet

Gestion des ressources

Administration des coûts


Gestion de l’état du projet

Planification du projet


Gestion RH