• La banque nouvelle génération

La banque nouvelle génération

Thought Machine - un partenariat stratégique pour accélérer la transformation du secteur bancaire mondial
A key visual for Thought Machine, featuring a group of diverse professionals collaborating and brainstorming ideas on a glass board in a modern office setting. This image represents Thought Machine's commitment to innovation and teamwork in developing cutting-edge banking technology solutions. Discover how Thought Machine's advanced platform, in collaboration with GFT, can transform your financial services and drive business growth.
A key visual for Thought Machine, featuring a group of diverse professionals collaborating and brainstorming ideas on a glass board in a modern office setting. This image represents Thought Machine's commitment to innovation and teamwork in developing cutting-edge banking technology solutions. Discover how Thought Machine's advanced platform, in collaboration with GFT, can transform your financial services and drive business growth.



officielles sur le Thought Machine



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centres d’excellence


Ensemble, nous mettons en place certaines des banques numériques les plus innovantes au monde

Vault, le moteur bancaire principal natif sur le cloud de nouvelle génération de Thought Machine fait partie de la solution pour les banques souhaitant se transformer. Vault s'inscrit dans une architecture de pointe, conçue et intégrée par nos spécialistes. Avec cinq centres d'excellence Core Banking et plus de 200 experts certifiés sur Vault Fundamentals, nous sommes idéalement placés pour vous aider à réussir vos plans de transformation Core Banking.
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BankLiteX is a modular end-to-end solution that enables organisations to build and deploy a cloud-based digital banking division faster than ever before.<br/>Discover BankLiteX by GFT, a pioneering solution in digital banking that ensures smooth and efficient financial operations, illustrated by the serene image of a sailboat navigating calm waters. Explore how BankLiteX can transform your banking experience with seamless digital integration.
BankLiteX is a modular end-to-end solution that enables organisations to build and deploy a cloud-based digital banking division faster than ever before.
Discover BankLiteX by GFT, a pioneering solution in digital banking that ensures smooth and efficient financial operations, illustrated by the serene image of a sailboat navigating calm waters. Explore how BankLiteX can transform your banking experience with seamless digital integration.
BankLiteX est une solution modulaire de bout en bout qui vous donne les moyens de créer et de déployer une entité de services bancaires numériques basée sur le cloud, plus rapidement qu’auparavant.
Brad Steele
Directeur général, Amériques et Directeur général des partenariats mondiaux
Thought Machine
The Thought Machine logo, with black text and a geometric design, symbolises a pioneer in cloud-native core banking technology. Discover how Thought Machine&#039;s advanced solutions can revolutionise core banking systems and drive innovation in financial services, in collaboration with GFT.
The Thought Machine logo, with black text and a geometric design, symbolises a pioneer in cloud-native core banking technology. Discover how Thought Machine's advanced solutions can revolutionise core banking systems and drive innovation in financial services, in collaboration with GFT.

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