• GFT presenta GFT AI.DA Marketplace: la forma más rápida y fácil de acceder a la inteligencia artificial

GFT presenta GFT AI.DA Marketplace: la forma más rápida y fácil de acceder a la inteligencia artificial

16 octubre 2023
Un pionero sistema con más de 20 soluciones específicas
Get a sneak peek into the AI.DA Marketplace with this teaser image. Featuring a young woman engaging with a holographic cube, this visual symbolizes the innovative capabilities of the AI.DA platform. Perfect for highlighting the cutting-edge AI and data solutions offered in the marketplace, and attracting interest in the transformative potential of AI-driven technologies.
Get a sneak peek into the AI.DA Marketplace with this teaser image. Featuring a young woman engaging with a holographic cube, this visual symbolizes the innovative capabilities of the AI.DA platform. Perfect for highlighting the cutting-edge AI and data solutions offered in the marketplace, and attracting interest in the transformative potential of AI-driven technologies.
Manuel Lavín
CEO GFT España
GFT Technologies SE
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GFT Logo jpg

Más información

GFT AI.DA Marketplace

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