DevOps offers a strategic solution to many of your common business challenges
Traditional organizations are often seen to be lagging behind in delivering innovation at pace. DevOps empowers organizations to break the barriers in the delivery cycle and to deliver more and more, often in a given time slice.
The new methods also offer internal benefits – improved efficiency and productivity, reduced costs and a boost to innovation. DevOps practices inculcate organizational habit to innovate and accelerate by shortening provisioning and release cycles, and by giving a much-needed focus and boost to product observability and resilience.
DevOps transformation sits very comfortably with cloud for several reasons, including:
- The inherent ability to spin up/scale up/down and tear down infrastructure and platform resources expedites transformation.
- The availability of cloud-managed continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), infrastructure as code (IaC) and monitoring tools that are cost-effective and quick to implement.
We have established patterns and transformation accelerators that optimize the journey. We also have a deep, practical understanding of the patterns, antipatterns and likely iterations involved. No two customers are alike, but many processes are common, particularly in heavily regulated areas, such as financial services.

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“AWS has been universally acclaimed for its DevOps approach to cloud. It has bolstered its support for DevOps with a comprehensive suite of tools. A couple of notable offerings include AWS Codestar and AWS X-Ray. AWS Codestar allows engineers to organize, template and visualize multiple deployments through a single pane of glass. AWS X-Ray allows for low-level tracing of multiple languages, including Java, .NET and Node.js as well as AWS services. All of these tools are available as a service to enable instant and cost-effective use.”