• Digital Innovation Lab

Digital Innovation Lab

Um playground para suas ideias
This image captures an interactive session in an innovation lab where two men are engaging with advanced technologies. One man is wearing a virtual reality headset, experiencing immersive content, while the other man is holding a smartphone and possibly explaining or presenting something. The background features a large screen displaying vivid visuals, enhancing the modern and tech-centric ambiance of the innovation lab. This setting reflects the integration of cutting-edge technologies and collaborative environments aimed at fostering innovation and creativity.
This image captures an interactive session in an innovation lab where two men are engaging with advanced technologies. One man is wearing a virtual reality headset, experiencing immersive content, while the other man is holding a smartphone and possibly explaining or presenting something. The background features a large screen displaying vivid visuals, enhancing the modern and tech-centric ambiance of the innovation lab. This setting reflects the integration of cutting-edge technologies and collaborative environments aimed at fostering innovation and creativity.
Tornando a inovação tangível

O Digital Innovation Lab em Barcelona está no núcleo do cenário de inovação da GFT.

Linha do tempo do Digital Innovation Lab

Sara Vallribera Gross-Melzer
Gerente do Digital Innovation Lab
GFT Technologies SE
GFT Logo jpg
GFT Logo jpg

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Nossa rede de parceiros do laboratório

Desenvolver novas ideias para você com empresas inovadoras é a nossa paixão.

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Game changer

Inovação na GFT – damos vida às ideias


GFT Design Studio

Caso de Sucesso

Um banco por app que coloca clientes no centro de tudo

Caso de Sucesso

Um data lake em nuvem da AWS conectado e seguro impulsiona a inovação e o crescimento

Point of view

O segredo do sucesso no sistema financeiro aberto

Crie valor de negócio

Sobre GFT