This image embodies the essence of GreenCoding, emphasizing sustainable software development practices. It shows a person deeply engaged with their computer, while a digital overlay icon signifies coding and environmental responsibility. The image highlights the convergence of technology and eco-friendly practices, underscoring the importance of integrating sustainability into coding to minimize the carbon footprint.
This image embodies the essence of GreenCoding, emphasizing sustainable software development practices. It shows a person deeply engaged with their computer, while a digital overlay icon signifies coding and environmental responsibility. The image highlights the convergence of technology and eco-friendly practices, underscoring the importance of integrating sustainability into coding to minimize the carbon footprint.


Die neue Dimension der Softwareentwicklung

Nachhaltigkeit in Zahlen


des weltweiten Strombedarfs könnte bis 2030 durch Informationstechnologie gedeckt werden

2 Tage

könnten durch eine verringerte Auflösung einer mobilen Anwendung mit 500.000 Nutzern gespart werden


Maschinelles Lernen kann den Bedarf an Kühlung für Rechenzentren um 40 % senken

Bis zu 99,9%

Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen durch Anwendung bewährter Verfahren beim Training von KI-Netzen

Gonzalo Ruiz de Villa Suárez
CTO der GFT Group
Grünere Architektur

GreenCoding: Neuland in der Softwareentwicklung

Explore GreenCoding, GFT’s approach to sustainable software development that makes it possible for software to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
Explore GreenCoding, GFT’s approach to sustainable software development that makes it possible for software to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

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Emissionsfreier Code

We care


Künstliche Intelligenz und Daten

KI, aber ohne den Hype

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