
at GFT

Take the opportunity to gain experience during your education and get insights into IT and software solutions. As a global technology leader, our team combines multiple cultures and unique personalities. Because great ideas come in different colours.
Studenci z wizualizacją kluczową
Dwie młode kobiety uczące się razem, jedna trzyma filiżankę, a druga papiery i telefon ze stylizowanymi pomarańczowymi konturami.

Flexible and remote working

Personal development



Grow tech talent

The technology sector is an exciting work environment with diverse projects and always new challenges. Find your special focus and develop new ideas and concepts with us.

We encourage IT talents and want to inspire more people to join the technology sector. That is why we are committed to technology development and education.
Rozwijaj talenty technologiczne
Młoda kobieta zajęta swoim smartfonem, oświetlonym jaskrawymi neonowymi światłami, symbolizującymi dynamiczny i ewoluujący krajobraz rozwoju talentów technologicznych.
Get prepared

for your job

Find your job

Our employees value the open and collaborative culture at GFT. We want to create a working environment where everyone feels comfortable. Our application process allows us to get to know each other better and see if we’re a good fit. You can also see whether you identify with us as a company.


Great! You are close to your dream job. Only your job interview with our HR team and some of your future colleagues is missing. Address the job requirements in your application and update your CV. Even if you don't meet all requirements, apply anyway. Sometimes inner values count more than work experience.


Inform yourself comprehensively about GFT before your interview. This way you can focus the conversation on your personal decision. We will discuss the details of your job with you, such as the start date or your salary. Feel free to ask questions and be certain of your motivation to work at GFT. Simply be yourself - being authentic is always best. Some interviews can take place remotely. Find yourself a quiet place and do a quick technical check before your video interview starts.

Get job offer

Congratulations, you've made it. Welcome to #teamGFT! Our HR department will give you a lot of information about your job and onboarding process before you start.

Start your job

It is important that you feel comfortable from the very first minute. That's why we take a lot of time for your orientation days. Beforehand, you will start your onboarding process. During the next 90 days, you will participate in various activities to get to know your colleagues and GFT better. Ready? We are looking forward to meeting you.

Any questions?

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