Zbuduj swoją inteligentną fabrykę

Uzyskaj w czasie rzeczywistym wgląd w dane kluczowe dla Twojego biznesu.
This image captures the innovative environment of a smart factory, showcasing a professional engineer with a tablet walking through a high-tech manufacturing facility. The background features advanced robotic arms operating behind glass partitions, symbolising automation and precision in modern manufacturing processes. The scene highlights the integration of digital technology and automation in the production line, reflecting the advancements in Industry 4.0. The engineer's presence with a tablet emphasises the role of human oversight and the use of digital tools in managing and optimising factory operations.
This image captures the innovative environment of a smart factory, showcasing a professional engineer with a tablet walking through a high-tech manufacturing facility. The background features advanced robotic arms operating behind glass partitions, symbolising automation and precision in modern manufacturing processes. The scene highlights the integration of digital technology and automation in the production line, reflecting the advancements in Industry 4.0. The engineer's presence with a tablet emphasises the role of human oversight and the use of digital tools in managing and optimising factory operations.
Smart Factory, czyli inteligentna fabryka

Podejmuj decyzje szybciej

Monitoruj efektywność wykorzystania zasobów i kontroluj koszty

Przyspiesz procesy innowacji i rozwoju produktów.

Przypadek użycia | Monitorowanie stanu w czasie rzeczywistym

Zwiększenie trwałości produkcji

Przypadek użycia | Wizualna kontrola jakości

Zwiększanie jakości, zmniejszanie ilości odpadów i tworzenie lepszych produktów

Nasze rozwiązania Smart Factory oparte są na SPHINX OPEN

Nowoczesna architektura wielowarstwowa

This infographic illustrates the Sphinx Open architecture, highlighting its key components. At the top, a central data model powers the structure, followed by layers dedicated to digital services, data orchestration, and data ingestion. The foundation integrates shop floor data and business process data from various systems such as ERP, PLM, and WMS. The product value stream runs through these layers, symbolizing seamless data flow and connectivity in a connected world. This visual representation emphasizes the comprehensive and interconnected nature of the Sphinx Open platform.
This infographic illustrates the Sphinx Open architecture, highlighting its key components. At the top, a central data model powers the structure, followed by layers dedicated to digital services, data orchestration, and data ingestion. The foundation integrates shop floor data and business process data from various systems such as ERP, PLM, and WMS. The product value stream runs through these layers, symbolizing seamless data flow and connectivity in a connected world. This visual representation emphasizes the comprehensive and interconnected nature of the Sphinx Open platform.

Nowoczesna architektura zapewnia pełną łączność systemów informatycznych z produkcyjnymi. Obiekty zarządzane w myśl metodyki event-driven pozwalają utworzyć centralny model danych o operacjach. Model ten może być poszerzany o indywidualne usługi sieciowe oraz ustandaryzowane usługi w chmurze.