• Bankia boosts customer service with Google Assistant

Bankia boosts customer service with Google Assistant

Voice-controlled virtual assistants play a pivotal role in the bank of the future
By harnessing the power of Google Assistant, Bankia has created a new banking channel that increases customer engagement and loyalty.
By harnessing the power of Google Assistant, Bankia has created a new banking channel that increases customer engagement and loyalty.
By harnessing the power of Google Assistant, Bankia has created a new banking channel that increases customer engagement and loyalty.

New banking channel


Customer satisfaction

Bankia S.A.
Bankia S.A. is a Spanish bank that was created in July 2010 by a merger of seven savings banks. It offers a comprehensive range of traditional financial services, including retail banking, wholesale banking, private banking and asset management. In 2021, Bankia merged with CaixaBank.



Leverage Google Assistant to better serve customers



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High customer satisfaction

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    Bankia boosts customer service with Google Assistant

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